Engine Services
Our technicians have experience with most of the leading gas and diesel engine types, from kW to multi MW capacity. We have experience across a broad range of fuels, including natural gas, diesel and fuel oil. We are specialists in gas engines utilizing alternative and low quality gas fuels, including landfill gas, biogas and coal seam methane.

Scheduled Servicing and Maintenance
Condition monitoring, component inspection and routine service implementation
Cylinder head valve - recession data logging, analysis and overhaul interval forecast
Lubricant management – sampling, analysis and data interpretation
Cylinder deposit removal
Overhaul and change-out
Control systems set-up and adjustment
Engine tuning - fuel efficiency, stability, exhaust emissions
Parts and consumables inventory management - critical spares identification
HV and LV systems condition monitoring
Fuel systems maintenance

Unscheduled Maintenance
Break-down repairs
Failure analysis and preventative action
Troubleshooting and fault finding

Installation, Commissioning and Retrofits
New and refurbished equipment
Long term storage of engines and components

Inspection, Testing and Condition Assessment
Combustion chamber/cylinder inspection- borescope
Cylinder deposit analysis
Crankcase ventilation flow - blow-by
Fuel gas analysis for siloxanes and corrosive components
Generator insulation monitoring - megger testing

Technical and Operational Review
Due diligence investigations and reports
Life cycle cost analysis
Maintenance schedule set-up - manufacturers' recommendations vs operational experience - overhaul interval forecasts

Equipment and Components - Biogas Applications
Extended life cylinder head valves and seats
Crankcase ventilation systems
Air/Fuel ratio and engine load control systems
Ignition system components